wrapped in a prayer

A Women’s Weaving Retreat.

March 27th-31st 2025

Nevada City, California

Wrapped in a Prayer is an immersive retreat opportunity to learn the ancient craft of weaving, in connection to the Earth, with reverence for the plants and animals, and for all those who came before who have made this very moment possible.

Within a prayerful, supportive container, in community as we have for so many years, we will weave. With the guidance of the elements, our ancestors, your own inner compass and unique inspirations, and instruction from Annyea, you will birth a one of a kind handwoven shawl, made from the Earth up, with your very own hands. You will walk away from this weekend feeling inspired, fulfilled, and connected, with a deep appreciation for textile arts and it's interconnectedness to the natural world, new friendships, and all of the basic skills and tools you need to continue crafting at home.

the ceremony of creation

Wrap yourself in fabric that you wove with your own hands, infused with your unique prayer and intention, made with beautiful earthen fibers. Let it hold you through your life journey, take care of it like an old friend, and one day pass it down to your grandchildren.

It is like an ancient embrace of remembrance…a big warm hug from the Earth.

Each participant will have their own 24” rigid heddle loom to work on. I will guide you through every step of weaving your shawl, from warping your loom, to weaving using plain weave, Saori freeform weaving, as well as a couple of patterns using pick up sticks, to finishing. I will provide a glorious selection of organic, sustainably grown fiber for you to work with. Each shawl will be one of a kind reflections of their makers!


Saturday April 6th

  • 7-8 Tea Ceremony

  • 9-12 Weave

  • 12-2 Lunch break

  • 2-5 Weave

  • 5-7 Catered dinner

Friday April 5th

  • 7-8 Gentle yoga class

  • 9-12 Intro

  • 12-2 Lunch break

  • 2-5 Warp the looms!

  • 5-7 Catered dinner

  • Free time / sauna

Thursday, April 4th

  • 2-5 Arrivals, opening circle

  • 5-7 Catered dinner

  • Free time

Sunday April 7th

  • 7-8 Gentle yoga class

  • 9-12 Weave

  • 12-2 Lunch break

  • 2-5 Weave

  • 5-7 Catered dinner

  • Free time / sauna

Monday April 8th

  • 9-12 Finishing up

  • 12-2 Lunch break

  • 2-5 Closing Circle, departures

Where you will stay

We will gather on our homestead which is located within the unceded ancestral homelands of the Nisenan, nestled in the Northern Sierra Nevada Foothills. We live in Nevada City, California, where we tend 20 acres overlooking the western Sierra Nevadas and the Yuba river canyon, growing food and fiber for our family and community. It is a beautiful, peaceful place to be!

Our classroom is a gorgeous custom 30 foot yurt; complete with a wood stove, a beautiful kitchen, as well as an indoor bathroom and hot shower for everyone to use. We have an outdoor spa area which includes a sauna, hot tub, cold plunge and hot shower which will be available each evening. 

All are welcome to come camp out under the stars during our retreat, or locals can commute.

what is included

-All workshop materials to be used during the retreat and to take home, including 24” rigid heddle looms and weaving tools, and a beautiful variety of fiber from sustainable small farms.

-Of course, participants leave with their special hand woven creation!

-16+ hours of workshop time guided by Annyea.

-Organic catered breakfast and dinner, a total of 8 meals.

-Yoga classes and tea ceremony.


-Evenings of outdoor sauna, hot tub, cold plunge and shower nourishing care time.

***If you already own a rigid heddle loom that you can bring with you, you will not be charged for one. Additionally, I have 2 looms that can be borrowed during the retreat for anyone who is experiencing finances to be a hurdle in attending our gathering. This decreases the price by about $300. If you are either of these people, please let me know in your application!***


Choose your lodging option.

Early bird prices run until 11/2

  • $1400 per person

    Early bird $1300

    This is a big beautiful, cozy, temperature controlled room in the upstairs of the barn/dining area. There is a bathroom downstairs. It is ideal for someone traveling from far away, or someone who just prefers to sleep indoors. It can be shared by 3 ladies. Cozy cot sized foam sleeping mats and bedding are all included.

  • $1400 each if shared by 2 or $1500 single

    Early bird $1300/$1400

    Enjoy our little village of belle tents! Each tent works well for 1-2 ladies. Perfect for someone who wants to dream close to the Earth but would rather not pack all of their camping gear. It will be all set up for you with a sleeping pad and cozy bedding, lighting, a rug and a chair.

  • $1200

    Early bird $1100

    For ladies who have their camping gear or who live locally and would rather sleep at home.

Meet your guide

Hi! I’m Annyea.


  • This workshop is geared towards beginners. We will be starting with the most basic concepts and techniques and working our way from there. So if you're a beginner, you're in the perfect place!

  • As you can see in the schedule, this is a very full weekend and in order to pack everything in, we need to stay focused. This workshop is not designed to support the presence of small children. This is an opportunity for mamas who may want to attend to take time to drop deep into a create flow!

    As the host of this gathering, my daughter will be on the land at times but with full time caretakers.

    And, as a mama of a toddler, I understand how hard it can be to squeeze in time for this kind of creativity, and I know that it's not always possible to slip away for a retreat. I am beginning to host workshops for mamas with littles so please reach out of that’s you!

  • The is an intimate gathering of up to 6 so that everyone gets plenty of one on one support.

  • If you are flying in, we will absolutely help get you to the homestead. The closest airport is about 1.5 hours away and it might look like you taking a bus to get just a little closer. All can be discussed on a case by case basis.

  • Yes I am open to discussing payment plans! Let’s chat and find a way to make this work for you. : )

  • If you are flying in, we will absolutely help get you to the homestead. The closest airport is about 1.5 hours away and it might look like you taking a bus to get just a little closer. All can be discussed on a case by case basis.

  • Simply because I love sitting in a circle, crafting with women. Women’s only spaces are ancient and sacred, needed and worthy of being. This is the vision that I have for this gathering and this is what I want to hold space for here at this time.

  • Yes I have a few partial work trade opportunities. Please reach out to me if you are interested.

    -Caterer support person

    -Fire tender


    -Set up and break down

Will you join us?

Thank you so much for your interest in attending Wrapped in a Prayer! Please fill out this brief form so that we can connect.

Our 2024 Gathering